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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

11 years ago today, Day 50

Fifty days.  And still on the road.

It was cold when I woke up that morning, at the crack of dawn:

This is what happens when you go to bed with the sun -- you wake up with the sun, too.

My first stop headed south on the Parkway was Mabry Mill:

The top picture is of the mill itself, obviously.  The lefthand bottom picture is of the millrace, and the righthand picture, well, it's blurry, and I'm sorry, but it's a still, and I thought that was cool.

The place was rather overrun with schoolchildren, even if you can't tell from the photos, and it was the first place where I truly knew I was in the South.  Mainly from the little boy chasing after his friends, shouting, "Y'all!  Y'all!"

I stopped at the Blue Ridge Music Center at Cumberland Knob and bought a cassette of fiddle music, which I enjoyed very much, and I also ended up listening to the radio for a while.  I mention this because, like that little boy at Mabry Mill, it sounded so Southern.  The only station I could get was obviously a very small-town station, and they were doing the radio equivalent of Craigslist.  So and so selling such and such, and the lady that read out the phone numbers -- well, I'm not sure I could type her accent phonetically, but she sounded like Barney Fife.  Fun stuff.

And more beautiful scenery:

'Just' another pullout view

I pulled in to Boone, North Carolina, about three in the afternoon.  Boone is the home of Appalachian State University, and reminds me very much of Athens, Ohio, where I finished my bachelor's degree in 1990.  Both small towns nestled down in deceptively New Englandish settings with universities dominating their lives (in Athens' case, Ohio University).  I liked it very much, especially after I found a nice used bookstore with a couple of Jennifer Crusie romances that I hadn't read before.

Let's Go USA pulled through for me with a nice, clean, inexpensive motel, too.  It was good to be indoors, with a room to myself and plenty of light and heat again.

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