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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

If today was a flower

This is what it would look like.

The flower in question is a nemesia, in case you were wondering.  A happy accident, picked up by serendipity as seedlings when I was doing my annual annual shopping in May. 

But that's exactly what today looks like.  Bright, sunny, warm, and glorious.  And overwhelmingly optimistic.  The weather forecaster said this morning that we here in western Washington have had exactly one non-overcast day in 55 days.  That's since early May, folks.

In other news, I am now on Twitter at @mmjustus, although I haven't really dipped my toes in so far, and I am on Linked In as M.M. Justus, with a complete professional profile.  Please feel free to check either one out, and to add me as a contact or friend me.

The exhibit project is coming along nicely.  I met with the lady who was half of the driving force which got the cabin built ten years ago, and I have an appointment tomorrow with the architect who designed and oversaw the actual construction.  I am in the process of painting the overarching wooden sign, and picking out the photos.  Next up, writing the captions and shopping for mounts and background fabric.  Making progress.

I learned a good lesson on asking for advice last week.  Be careful what you ask for.  And be specific [g].  One of the challenges of this exhibit is that other than a small model of the cabin and a few of the nails left over from the construction, I have no artifacts to work with.  Just photos.  Which I happened to mention around and about.  Which comments were mistaken as asking for more subject matter, not more artifacts.  I wound up, as the museum director described it, defending the story I want to tell from all sorts of additions people wanted to make.  I have plenty of subject matter to fill two small cases.  What I lack is objects to tell the story of this subject matter.  I'll manage, and I'll make it interesting.  But I will never speak in such generalities on such subjects again!

What's your best advice for dealing with conflicting input like this?  I would love to hear about it.


  1. Interesting story about learning to be careful in your phrasing. As in any case, you could tell many, many stories--but if you tried, you'd end up with a jumble. Good luck with your cases!
